What's Your Brush Type?
1) Fine to Normal Hair: Pure Boar Bristle BrushFine-to-normal hair may be easy to maintain and style with any old brush, but boar bristle brushes are really the gold standard for creating polished strands. They actually lift away dirt, dust, and debris, while redistributing the scalp’s natural oils from root to tip. Consider this gentle, effective grooming tool the final ingredient in the recipe for a perfect hair day.
2) Thinning, Delicate, or Damaged Hair: Soft Boar Bristle BrushBoar bristle brushes are great for those with delicate hair as well, but make sure you choose one with extra soft bristles. This type of brush will stimulate the scalp, increasing circulation to the hair follicle, which is ideal for hair that’s in need of a little TLC. All-natural bristle hairbrushes are gentle, but if your hair is thinning or especially fragile, look for a softer cut of bristle. .
3) Very Thick or Coarse Hair: Nylon Bristle BrushThose flexible boar bristles can’t always tame a truly thick mane. In order to penetrate hair that’s particularly thick or difficult to work with, you’ll want to use a nylon brush. Nylon bristles function similarly to their all-natural sisters, but they’re stiffer and offer more control.
4) Normal to Thick Hair: Mixed-Bristle BrushNormal-to-thick hair can benefit from a mixture of nylon and boar bristles. Mixed bristle brushes are really the best of both worlds. The nylon quills that extend from a tuft of natural bristles detangle tresses, while the boar bristles distribute your hair’s natural oils and smooth the cuticle – perfect for creating and maintaining healthy hair.
5) Curly Hair: Wooden-Bristle BrushIt’s time to abandon the notion that curly hair can’t be brushed. Curls do present their own unique challenges, but with the right tool you can tackle them all. To keep coils in tip-top shape, look for a hairbrush with widely spaced wooden pins. Wood brushes are gentle on dry, brittle hair, won’t separate the curls, and never generate the all-too-familiar curly hair foe, static.
6) Bangs and Very Short Hair: Small, Round Boar Bristle BrushTo smooth short hair and tame unruly bangs, choose a small round brush with boar bristles. Boar is great for creating tension. It catches every hair, making it a dream for styling short strands. Whether the end goal is smooth and sleek or a boost of volume, this little wonder will get you there.